Heaphy Track Scheduled Bus Service
The Heaphy Bus - Scheduled Bus Service to the Heaphy Track
Heaphy Track Scheduled Bus Service - Just $220 return! Abel Tasman Track Scheduled Bus Service - Just $110 return!

Helpful Hints

Ideas on what to take on your tramp

I have photocopied my personal tramping list here, but its only as a guide to help you. I do not take everything and add on as I go (you can see by the highlights, ticks and hand-writing bits.)
If you want food that actually tastes like home cooking this is pretty close to the real thing, tasty and nutritious.

Absolute Wilderness
http://www.absolutewilderness.co.nz/I have tried most varieties and they are all good.. especially Thai Red Curry or Tom Kha Gai. They even provide great desserts.

New Zealand Tramping Pack List

If I may just add a short note for those who have not done a lot of New Zealand tramping. To me the most important thing is always have dry warm clothing for the evening and a cosy dry sleeping bag. A rubbish bag or exposure bag lining inside the pack is essential. Don't trust the manufacturers waterproof guarantee. Always keep a set of warmies for the evening, don't scimp on dehy food, but dont carry a pack that is too heavy for you. Its a balance between the necessities, but also being light enough to get where you want to go quickly if the need takes you.